
Join hands with me to set up a library for disadvantaged Vietnamese children

My dream is to buy enough books to set up a great library for disadvantaged children in Bạc Liêu, Việt Nam. Would you like to help me?

Dear readers,

Books changed my life and I would be grateful for your help in changing the lives of disadvantaged children living in rural areas of Việt Nam who have very limited access to books.

As a global ambassador for the non-profit Room to Read, I am working to raise funds to set up a new library at a disadvantaged school in the town where I grew up: Bạc Liêu, located at the southern tip of the Mekong Delta. The name of the school is Trần Quốc Toản Primary School. Even though Room to Read is collecting your donations, and helping me implement this project, I will be involved in each step to ensure that 100% of your donations will benefit the children directly.

A new school library would cost from 8,000 USD, with all the money going toward buying books and equipment for the library, training staff and setting up a well-tested Room to Read library system.

I visited such a Room to Read library at Đông Hải school, Hòa Bình, Bạc Liêu in October 2024 and felt deeply impressed. It is my commitment to fundraise for a new library which will benefit thousands of children in the next many years.

Your donation, however small, will make an impact on a new generation of Vietnamese and will help to change the educational landscape. Room to Read, an established non-profit who works closely with and is highly respected by schools and local authorities, will help us ensure that our library will be effectively used and maintained for many years to come.

The children will not only have access to the books you donate, but will also have many library activities integrated into their curriculum (such as storytelling time, book discussions, independent reading, book borrowing etc).

Thanks so much for your kind support and for helping me change lives via books. Once our new library is set up, I will send you pictures and a personal thank you letter. THANK YOU! The donation link is here.

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About Room to Read:

Room to Read envisions a world in which all children can pursue a quality education that enables them to reach their full potential and contribute to their communities and the world.

By focusing on literacy and gender equality in education, Room to Read transforms the lives of millions of children in low-income communities.

For more information: